1. ATOのサイトへアクセスし「Apply for a tax file number」をクリックします。
2. 「Tax file number application or enquiry」が表示されるので内容を読んだ後、「Next」ボタンをクリックします。
3. 「TFN application for temporary visitors and permanent migrants」が表示されるので内容を読んだ後、画面下部「Next」ボタンをクリックします。
4. 以下の質問に答えます。
Travel documentation details
What is your passport or travel document number?
(2) What is the country of origin of your passport or travel document?
(3) Have you ever visited Australia before?
Personal details
Title (敬称:MrとかMsなど) (2) Surname or family name(姓) (3) First given name (名) (4) Other given name(s) (その他の名前) (5) Are you, or have you been known by, any other names?
(For example, a maiden name or an Anglicised version of your first name.)
(旧姓・英語名などがあるか? YES/NO) (6) What is your date of birth? (生年月日) (7) What is your sex? (性別) (8) If you have a spouse, married or
defacto, what is their name?
■ Existing TFN or ABN information
(1) Have you ever lodged a previous TFN or Australian Business Number (ABN) application?
(以前にTFNまたはABNを申請した事があるか? YES/NO)
(2) Have you ever had a TFN or ABN before?
(以前にTFNまたはABNを取得した事があるか? YES/NO)
(3) Have you ever lodged a tax return in Australia?
(オーストラリアのタックスリターンを申請した事があるか? YES/NO)
(4) Do you own property or have other business interests in Australia?
(オーストラリアに不動産やその他の資産を持っているか? YES/NO)
What is your Australian postal address?
(2) Address
(住所:番地・通り名まで 10 York street など)
(3) Suburb/Town
(4) State or Province
(5) Postcode
Contact details
Daytime phone number and/or email address where you can be contacted or a message can be left. (日中に連絡が取れる電話番号とメールアドレス)
Contact details - continued
If the Tax Office needs to obtain further information to process your application, do you want us to contact a relative or friend who can help us? (TAXオフィスがTFNの処理を進めるのに連絡をする必要がある場合に家族や友人に連絡する事を希望するか? YES/NO)