1. オーストラリア大使館のWebサイトから「ワーキングホリデービザ」のリンクをクリックします。
2. 「Available Service」の項目にある「Working Holiday
3. 「General Information」を読んだ後、「APPLY ONLINE HERE」をクリックします。
4. 「To help determine the correct form type to complete...」画面が表示されるので、画面中断にある以下の箇所の「YES」をクリックします。
「I have not previously entered Australia
with a working holiday visa,
and wish to apply for a working holiday visa」
5. 「Information - Please Read First」の項目を読み、「APPLY ONLINE HERE」をクリックします。
6. 「Terms and Conditions」の項目を読み、「I agree to the terms and conditions」をクリックします。
7. STEP1〜8までの質問に回答します。
STEP1:「Your details」
「Give the following details as they appear in your passport」の項目
Preferred title (敬称)
Other title (その他の敬称)
Family name (姓)
Given names (名)
Sex (性別)
Date of birth (生年月日)
Marital status (婚姻関係)
(Never married:未婚、Married:既婚、Engaged:婚約、Divorced:離婚、Widowed:死別、
Separated:別居、De facto:内縁)
Town/City (出生地)
Country (出生国)
「Details of the passport that you use for travel purposes」の項目
Passport number (パスポート番号)
Country of passport (パスポートの国)※通常は「Japan」を選択
Passport date of issue (パスポート発効日)
Passport date of expiry (パスポート有効期限)
「If you have an Australian visa label in your current or previous passport, please
Visa number (オーストラリアのビザを持っていない場合は空白)
visa number field」に入力する必要は無いようです。
If you have visited
Australia in the past, you may have been issued with
evidence that you had permission to enter Australia. This
evidence would normally appear as a paper visa label placed
in your current or previous passport by an office of the
Department. This visa label contains a unique number, or
visa number.
Please enter this visa number
into this field to assist us in processing this application.
If you have visited Australia
in the past and do not have a visa label in your passport,
you were probably issued with an Electronic Travel Authority
(ETA). If that is the case, you do not need to enter
anything into the visa number field.
visa number
When do you propose to enter Australia using the visa that you are applying for now?
Do you have any dependent children?
Have you ever entered Australia on a Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa before
(this includes on any passport of any country)?
Are you submitting this application from outside Australia?
※Critical data confirmation(確認画面)が表示されるので入力内容が正しいか確認します。
STEP2:「Your details(Continued)」
What is your usual occupation?
What employment do you intend to seek in Australia?
What qualifications do you hold?
■ STEP3:「Details of other names you have been known by」
Give details of any other names that you have been known by,
including names before marriage.
※旧姓などがあれば「Add other names...」から追加し、なければ「Next」をクリック。
STEP4:「Residential address details」
Address (住所)
Suburb/Town (市区町村名)
State or Province (都道府県名)
Postcode (郵便番号)
Country (国名)
Home phone (自宅の電話番号)
Work phone (勤務先電話番号)
Mobile phone (携帯電話番号)
Do you want to authorise another person to act and receive communication about this application on
your behalf? This includes authorising the Department to send that person any communication,
documents or notifications relating to the application that would otherwise have been sent to you.
STEP5:「Contact details」
We can communicate about the application more quickly using e-mail. Do you agree to this Department communicating with you via e-mail?
Yes>enter your e-mail address (Eメールアドレス)
In the course of deciding this application, we may need you to attend an Australian Government office overseas for an interview. If this occurs, which office would you prefer to go to?
STEP6:「Health declarations」 |
During your proposed stay in Australia, do you intend to enter an Australian hospital or other health care facility (for example, a dentist surgery, private health care clinic, nursing home, pathology laboratory, ambulance station, or community or rural nursing facility) for any purpose?
During your proposed stay in Australia, do you intend to be in a classroom situation for more than four (4) weeks? (オーストラリア滞在中に学校などの状況に4週間以上入る予定があるか?)
During your proposed stay in Australia, do you intend to work in or attend an Australian preschool-aged child care centre (including preschools and creches) as an employee, trainee or student? (幼稚園・保育園・託児所などで社員、研修生、学生として働く予定があるか?)
Have you:
ever had, or currently have, tuberculosis?
been in close contact with a person who has, or has had, active tuberculosis?
ever had a chest X-ray which showed an abnormality?
Do you require assistance with mobility or care in Australia or overseas?
Do you intend to perform medical procedures (e.g. as a practising/trainee doctor, dentist, nurse, etc) during your stay in Australia?
During your proposed stay in Australia, do you expect to incur medical costs, or require treatment or
medical follow up for: (オーストラリア滞在中に以下の病気の治療を受けるか?)
・blood disorders (血液疾患)
・cancer (癌)
・heart disease (心臓疾患)
・hepatitis B or C (B型・C型肝炎)
・HIV infection, including AIDS (エイズを含むHIV)
・kidney disease, including dialysis (透析を含む腎臓病)
・liver disease (肝疾患)
・mental illness (精神病)
・pregnancy (妊娠)
・respiratory disease that has required hospital admission (入院が必要な呼吸器系統疾患)
・any form of surgery (その他の手術)
・any other health concerns (その他)
In the last five (5) years, have you visited or lived outside JAPAN for more than three (3) consecutive months (not including Australia)?
STEP7:「Character declarations」 |
Have you, ever:
・been convicted of a crime or offence in any country (including any conviction which is
now removed from official records)?
・been charged with any offence that is currently awaiting legal action?
・been acquitted of any criminal offence or other offence on the grounds of mental illness,
insanity or unsoundness of mind?
・been removed or deported from any country (including
・left any country to avoid being removed or deported?
・been excluded from or asked to leave any country (including Australia)?
・committed, or been involved in the commission of war crimes or crimes against humanity or
human rights?
・been involved in any activities that would represent a risk to Australian national security?
・had any outstanding debts to the Australian Government or any public authority in Australia?
・been involved in any activity, or been convicted of any offence, relating to the illegal movement of people to any country (including Australia)?
・served in a military force or state sponsored/private militia, undergone any military/paramilitary
training, or been trained in weapons/explosives use (however described)?
have sufficient funds for the initial period of my stay in Australia and for the fare to my intended overseas destination on leaving Australia.
I am a resident of JAPAN
the information provided on or with this form is correct
I have read the information on working holiday visas at the beginning of this application, and am aware of the conditions that may apply and that I am required to abide by them.
any employment is incidental to my holiday in Australia and the purpose of working is to supplement my holiday funds.
I will not undertake employment for more than 3 months with one employer.
8. 全て入力が終わると、確認画面が表示されるので内容を確認後「Next」をクリックします。
・Type of credit card (クレジットカードの種類)
・Credit card number (カード番号)
・Expire date (有効期限)
・Name on credit card (カードの名義人)
9. 支払いに関しての必要事項を記入したら「Submit application」を押下して申請を提出します。
10. 申請後、TRN(照会番号)が表示されたページが表示されるので必ず番号を控えておきましょう。
11. 「Before you exit」の欄に「Download
health form(s) (required)」の表示があるか必ず確認しましょう。
12. 全ての手続きが完了したら「Thank
you for applying online」の下にある「EXIT」をクリックして申請を完了します。